2011. 02. 16.

Hungary likely to join GMO-free Alps-Adriatic region


"The parliament's sustainable development committee has unequivocally decided that Hungary should join the GMO-free Alps-Adriatic region, committee chair Benedek Javor, of the opposition green party Politics Can Be Different (LMP), said on Monday.


Benedek said the committee had previously consulted on this issue with the government and it is hoped that the proposal to join the GMO-free region will get majority support.


In an ever-changing international environment, it would be an important move to ensure that Hungary maintains the current GMO moratorium and ban, Javor said. This is especially important because genetically modified crops "do not recognise borders," he added.


Croatia, Austria, Slovenia and several northern Italian regions are also expected to join the GMO-free Alps-Adriatic region.


Hungarian Greenpeace activists last Thursday added a collection of signatures to a European campaign to collect one million signatures for a petition against easing EU rules on producing genetically modified organisms. Demonstrators in front of the Parliament used grey bull and a curly wooly Racka sheep - both breeds indigenous to Hungary - to drive home their message."


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